Chris is committed to keeping Billings a safe place to work and live, as well as defending traditional values. You can help him by distributing campaign literature door-to-door. Schedule a time to help Chris reach out to your neighbors with his message. You will receive a brief training and all necessary materials. Sign up below to get started!
Another great way to show your support for Chris is to place a campaign sign in your yard. Let drivers and passers-by know that you support Chris and his message! Sign up below with your address and Chris will get a sign to you soon!
One of the best ways to help Chris is to write a letter to the editor. Share your support for him with a letter to the Billings Gazette or Yellowstone County News about how he has a long history of helping our neighborhoods and the great city of Billings. If you need assistance with the process, please let us know! Sign up below to get started.
Are you a Facebook fan? Facebook is a great way to share your enthusiasm for Chris’ message quickly. Like, follow, and share! Click Follow below to be redirected to Chris’ campaign page.
Chris will be part of numerous community events between now and election day. Click the image below for an up-to-date calendar of upcoming events in Billings. Join us if your schedule allows!
Making telephone calls is an effective way to personally encourage citizens of Senate District 26 to vote for Chris. If you support his commitment to traditional values and conservative legislative priorities, help his team by making calls to voters in the district. Sign up below, and we will arrange to train you in making calls and about what to say to voters.